The Kaiapoi Community Hub is a resource that we believe will become vital to Kaiapoi.
The site for the Kaiapoi Community Hub is on regeneration land on the corners of Charters Street and Courtenay Drive in Kaiapoi South. Initially, the site will house Satisfy Food Rescue and the Kaiapoi Menzshed along with a highly functional communal hall and attractive greenspace that can be utilised by community in a variety of ways. The Hub will be built and managed by the Kaiapoi Community Hub Trust, a charitable trust with trustees representing Satisfy Food Rescue, Kaiapoi MenzShed and the local Kaiapoi Community.
Kaiapoi Community Hub Trust trustees - Keith, Antz, Heath and Phillipa
Community hubs are flexible spaces that can be used for a range of different reasons - recreation, arts, hobby activity as well as for social and cultural activities. They are important to local communities as they provide an open and accessible space that enhance community wellbeing.
Kaiapoi is a close knit community that has undergone many challenges in recent years so we are striving for a community space that is welcoming, embraces sustainability, and operates in a manner that encourages growth for the future strength of our community. It will be a thriving hub of activity, learning and connection. The hub will provide a space for participation, education and knowledge sharing for all.
To make this project a reality we need your help! So join us in making a real difference in our community!